Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Do you believe in fate ?

There have been days when I used to think about the ways of fate till my brain can't go any further.

What is It ? Does it really exist ? or is fate really fake ? ..... There is a piece of conversation in the movie Matrix which is worth a hearing. Here it goes

Morpheus: Do you believe in fate Neo ?
Neo: No
Morpheus: Why not !
Neo: Because i don't like the idea of my life being controlled by someone.

Does the above conversation paint a picture of Fate ?

My questions have taken me deep into the thoughts of ancient Indian literature. There are various instances where people have predicted the future, eg: Indian Astrology, Hypnotic techniques, Palmistry (cheiro), nostradomus .. many many more. Are we mere puppets, Are we forced through our life helplessly. This gives rise to more questions !! Why am I born like this, I could have been born a Billionaire. What made me this way ?

Here comes the reincarnation theory, karma, vasana .... so many techie words. Indian philophy says that life is actually a continuation of millions of past lives. You could possibly never become a complicated being as a human all of a sudden. It is composed of lot of complex things as mind, intelligence, knowledge. These things are developed over millions of years to be someone lucky enough to be a human. We have lived our lives as insects, animals before we became intelligent.

Are things out of our control ? Like neo I never liked the idea of someone controlling my life. Then is it that whatever is happening now a reaction of something what I've done in my previous lives ? Could we change something ? If so what ? If we could predict our future using some technique as astrology or palmistry it means that the present life is already decided and everything happens the way It is ordained.

The questions keep increasing, innumerous, monstrously complex for my small brain. I know people out there have similar things on the law of Karma. I would continue this in a second part, Please put your ideas on this philosophy on my comments.


Saravana said...

@ Yaaro

I do believe in Parallel Galaxies ... But when speaking of PG Its even more complex than discussing Karma and Fate.

Saravana said...

@Sathya tell me someone who does there duty and leaves everything to GOD ...

The one that you say has been the best course ... but practically no one knows how to follow it. Can you keep working without expecting anything back. will you be able to accept the worst defeat and the bestthings in your life equally

think abt it.

karma said...

May be your questions will be answered in the future but definitely not in our life times. Frankly, i cannot conceptualize or theorize something which i cannot perceive. Yesterday is dead and tomorrow is unborn, I have only today...lets make the best out of it for everyone- thats my policy

Anonymous said...

hmm...there are two things, namely, fate and destiny. Even though they appear to be the same, there is a subtle difference between the two. Fate is used when you give up hope and go wherever life takes you. Its kinda viewed as something negative, but in reality it calls us to attention, and just knocks us back onto the path when we stray from our true purpose. It is a friendly nudge in the right direction. Destiny on the other hand is the purpose of our existence. Every one has their own destiny and your life becomes all the more meaningful when you are lucky enough to acheive it or atleast pursue it. So even though you might face any problems, they are just tests to prove that you are worthy of acheiving your destiny. The problem is , there are so many interpretations and each one is right in his one way, but te thing I've realised about this whle thing of karma is that the 'law of balance' should hold good everywhere.

Talking about Neo, Matrix is a very good depiction of what the hindus believe to be 'Maya'. Neo coming out of the Matrix can be compared to tearing the veil of maya, and ultimately he becomes the 'one' and in our case, we become enlightened.

Hope that made sense.



Ponniyinselvan/karthikeyan(1981-2005 ) said...

Assumption 1: Your fate is predetermined based on your past actions.
Implies -> All your minutest of actions are pre-determined.
Implies -> You are not responsible for any of your actions. You were pre-programmed to act that way.
Implies -> Your fate for the next incarnation is decided based on your actions in your current incarnation on which you had no control.
If we recurse back, none of your fate was decided based on actions that you had control on.
Implies -> Your fate was decided when your soul was first created, when you had not committed any action, good or bad.
Hence the assumption 'Your fate is predetermined based on your past actions' is disproved by contradiction.
(The concept of multiple births is also an assumption/theory that does not have any proof. A theory need not be the truth just beacuse of the abscence of proof to the contrary)

Assumption 2: Your fate is pre-determined irrespective of your actions
Implies -> All your minutest of actions are pre-determined.
Implies -> You are not responsible for any of your actions. You were pre-programmed to act that way.
Implies -> You don't have to care whether what you do is good or bad since that doesn't affect your future.
Implies -> God has very elaborately decided when he created the universe, what each individual will do at every point of time in future, till the end of the universe. He created bad people and good people. But that implies an unjust god, who is having fun with the universe(like people who tie stones to dragon flies and enjoy their plight).
So what should I do? Nothing. You don't have a choice, you will do what you were programmed to do anyway.

Personally, this is my conclusion. The world doesn't work on the basis of good and bad, right and wrong, paavam and punniyam. There is just one rule in the jungle. 'Only the fittest survice'